Woburn Wellness Campaign
Create a Culture of Wellness in Woburn

Take our $1000 proven wellness program for no charge . . .
thanks to a donation from Cummings Foundation.
200+ participants have lost 4,000+ pounds and kept most of the weight off.
You already know what to do.
You need the support & accountability to do it.
Our program provides you with the tools to achieve long term success.

Help Grow the Culture of Wellness in Woburn!

What: 13 sessions on Wednesday afternoons/evenings (Jan 13 thru Apr 14)
Where: Zoom (virtual meetings)


  • 2-3 PM
  • 2:30-3:30 PM
  • 3-4PM
  • 4-5 PM
  • 5-6 PM
  • 6:30- 7:30 PM
  • 7:30 – 8:30 PM

Cost:  FREE

Start Date: Wednesday January 13th, 2021

To sign up: email Shannon.Manuel1@gmail.com the following information:

  • First, Last name
  • Email address and cell phone number
  • Preference for time of meeting